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What products can be produced with supercritical CO2 extraction? The floor to the experts

Have you heard about the supercritical CO2 extraction process and would you like to understand its most important applications? Have you read that supercritical CO2 extraction allows for the production of high-quality products and would you like to know which productive sectors can benefit from its high performance? Or are you curious to find out which products can be obtained with supercritical CO2 extraction?

Here is an article that will explain everything in detail!

Stop and read this article that we at Separeco, an Italian company that produces machines and systems for extracting compounds and natural materials using supercritical CO2 technology, have prepared to give you all the information about the various application areas of this new and sustainable extraction technology. We will see how supercritical CO2 extraction technology can be used in many ways: from the production of products in the food, cosmetic, nutraceutical, and pharmaceutical industries, to replacing conventional processes to improve the quality of life for workers and reduce environmental impact.

Happy reading!

Supercritical CO2 Extraction: All the Applications for High-Quality and Sustainable Products

In most cases this technology is used within agricultural production platforms. Many applications using supercritical CO2 have been developed for different manufacturing sectors such as:

  • production of high-quality and high-performance products, depending on the characteristics of the technology, characteristics identified as follows:
    • extracts from plants for use in food, cosmetic, nutraceutical and pharmaceutical industry
    • fractions of an extracts concentrated in active ingredients (e.g. palm oil fraction concentrated in tocopherol or vitamin E)
    • pasteurization processes at room temperature (33° C) of natural drinks
    • dealcoholisation with preservation of the aromas characteristic of the alcoholic beverage
    • high value ingredients from waste products: polyphenols and antioxidants from vegetable water, botanical waste for highly active molecules extracts, desolate meal for dietary products
  • replacement of conventional processes by reducing environmental impact and significantly improving the life quality of workers (eg: for the removal of toxic substances)
  • product innovation with significant increase in the effectiveness and safety of the products enhancing the penetration in international markets.
  • development of a lot of patents, thanks to innovative features. This technology can really help to increase the development of the industrial business, raising the attention of the markets.
  • development of a strong correlation between the technology used and the territory around it by several factors:
    • the versatility of the technology, suitable for application in many industrial sectors
    • its ability to influence the development of entire agricultural value chain for waste products integration and high versatility expressed in many different industrial applications.

Supercritical CO2 Extraction: Case 1- almond, soy and wheat extraction

In this case we are not proposing a structural intervention in association with agricultural systems, but a direct action on the supply chain of basic food products for the food, confectionery and nutraceutical industry for:

  • oils from seeds, wheat germ, soy flour, almonds, characterized in antioxidants (e.g. beta-sitosterol from almond, oil tocopherol from wheat germ)
  • polar compounds and water-soluble extracts of soy (such as soy isoflavones present in supplements for menopausal women)
  • exhausted matter for healthy-food

Supercritical CO2 Extraction: Case 2: Extraction of oil from exhausted flour

If we de-grease a flour with SFE (e.g. soybean flour) we get a product in which (as opposed to standard flour) caloric intake is reduced by 20-25%. The protein content increased by 35%, the fibres increased by 24%. This new food is very interesting in terms of diet and healthy. After oil separation, flour may be further treated in supercritical phase together with water as a co solvent to obtain:

  • Isoflavones from desolated soybean meal (for the treatment of the effects of menopause in women)

In soy flour, in addition to isoflavones, there are other substances of interest (lignans for the treatment and prevention of male prostatitis). From defatted flours (through a process with supercritical CO2) it is possible to obtain:

  • extracts concentrated in glyconic isoflavones to be transformed into flavonoid aglycones which have a better assimilation. These are phytoestrogens that have a high demand from the market (which is made up of women over 50).

Furthermore, the extracted oil is very interesting and could have greater value on the market thanks to the SFE method not only for the higher value attributed to soy flour and all products derived from soy flour but also for the qualitative parameters (acid value, peroxide, iodine) and also the ability to extract components that normally do not leave the matrix with standard processes (e.g. beta-carotene and vitamin E). In summary, the technological quality of the extract and the flour defatted with SFE will promote a series of new products, in line with current market trends, with the following characteristics:


Defined by the Institute of Medicine of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences as foods that include active substances or other materials as soybean oil (especially if organic) extracted with SFE that are able to:

  • provide health benefits
  • convey specific nutritional properties


Foods or food ingredients that are not used in any significant way for human consumption or produced by other processes involving:

  • A significant change in the composition
  • A significant change in the nutritional value
  • A significant change in intended use

This is the case of defatted soy flour (made with SFE) for its high protein concentration (> 46%) and the almost total absence of fat and cholesterol (e.g. a healthy dessert).

In fact, the qualities of these new foods, such as soybean oil extracted in SFE, are:

  • Good appetibility and palatability characteristics (because of low temperatures used and extraction environment saturated with CO2 which inhibits oxidation)
  • High organoleptic quality
  • High concentration of fibers and proteins as a consequence of oil extraction
  • No fat or low fat
  • Very low bacterial load and long shelf life thanks to the CO2 high pressure

It is very common to have a dual use of the matter. One example is the case of almonds: oil is used almost exclusively in the cosmetics industry as a basic raw material for skin creams, while flour is a basic element for the production of sweets. In the case of defatted almond flour, the use of the flour for the production of fresh and healthy foods is very interesting. Furthermore, the films of almonds and hazelnuts, due to their content of carotenoids and antioxidants (e.g. gallic acid), constitute a waste of great interest, both by directly extracting the oil from the films and in co-extraction together with the flour.

As with wheat, the wheat germ, which together with the bran constitutes a gap that is typically removed from the mills or used as livestock feed, if treated with supercritical fluids, receives all its value: the oil already extracted is basis of numerous supplements for its vitamin E and polyunsaturated fatty acids, while flour, now rapidly being eliminated due to its tendency to rancidity due to the presence of oil, could become the basic element of health products due to the consistent presence of proteins, also considering that the quality of the treatment with SCF does not alter its organoleptic qualities.

Supercritical CO2 Extraction: Case 3: Herbal extraction

The objectives of the application developed for the extraction of antibacterial principles from plants are the following:

  • Breaking down or significantly reduce the use of toxic substances in production methods of antibacterial agents from natural sources through the use of environmentally friendly technologies
  • Replacement of synthetic antibacterials with antibiotics of natural origin in various fields (from the livestock sector to human care). The constant use of synthetic antibiotics, in fact, can cause an increase in resistance to antibiotics, the onset of superinfections and other diseases linked to a massive use of these synthetic drugs. This phenomenon is particularly important if linked to the possibility that the use of synthetic antimicrobial agents can cause the onset of antibiotic resistance in human pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Obtain a safer final product thanks to the elimination of the phenomenon of resistance of pathogens to synthetic antibiotics which can be transmitted to humans if synthetic antibacterial substances are used on farms.

In this context, the extraction tests carried out on basil have made it possible to develop a new configuration of the supercritical apparatus, oriented towards the extraction of the most volatile compounds (e.g. terpenes), capable of obtaining a total extract of all the substances that together they carry out an effective antibacterial action. The extracts are very similar in nature to those compounds effective in antibacterial action. Basil extracts by the SCF method were tested on vibrio colonies with the effect of deactivating the twice synthetic bacterial antibiotic. These findings were used to develop this new technology and product structures specialized in this application.

The plants that have antibacterial principles are:

– Basil: It’s already been shown that the essential oil of basil (only CO2 extract) is very effective as an antibacterial. Basil (Ocimum basilicum) accumulates phenylpropene in the peltoid glands essentially as eugenol and methyl eugenol. Its activity, however, is connected to the species of basil and the extraction method used. These two factors, in fact, strongly influence the chemical composition of the extract giving or not giving it the antibacterial activity.

– Echinacea: the most important chemical constituents are represented by polysaccharides, glycoproteins, flavonoids, caffeic acid derivatives (acid and chicoric echinacoside), polyenes, achilammidi and an essential oil. The essential oil is believed to be responsible for the antibacterial properties of Echinacea.



– Propolis: Flavonoids, particularly galangin (which is rich in propolis collected in deciduous forests) and pinocembrina (mainly present in propolis originating from conifers), give the propolis its antimicrobial and antifungal properties. In particular, it has good efficacy against Gram-negative enterobacteria, demonstrated by the MIC (Minimal Inhibitory Concentration) very low (about 7.5 g/ml). Based on laboratory tests [Ali Mears, 1997], it was shown that the flavonoids galangin and pinocembrina are the main culprits hydroalcoholic extract exhibited antibacterial activity of propolis.

– Aloe Vera: Aloe is a plant rich in nutrients such as vitamins, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, phenylalanine. Aloe has also remarkable properties such as anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antibacterial, promotes cell regeneration and wound epidermis. The Aloe Vera also contains anthraquinones which have a broad spectrum of functions: they are powerful antibiotics with bactericidal, antiviral and analgesic properties (also laxative).

– Garlic: The antibacterial properties of garlic are derived from the active ingredient allicin and its sulfur derivatives, which have been identified and characterized. Many of the bacteria, sensistive to allicina, do not develop resistance against it; in addition, many of the bacteria sensitive to garlic extracts have significant clinical relevance. In this context, the garlic takes on a considerable interest as a natural antibiotic. The properties of garlic are those established: hypotensive, hypolipidemic, antiplatelet, anticancer and antiseptic. The pure allicin molecule is extremely volatile, sparingly soluble in polar solvents like water, and having the typical odor of garlic when crushed.

– Coriander: plant that belongs to the family Apiaceae, is often used by pharmaceutical companies for its aromatic properties, useful for correcting the taste of many drugs. Moreover, the essential oil of coriander contains very high percentages of linalool, an alcohol monoterpenes present in many essential oils that has bacteriostatic activity. According to recent studies [Lo Cantore et al., 2004] the essential oil of coriander showed a high bactericidal, inhibiting the growth of many bacteria, both Gram positive and Gram negative. Coriander exhibits a remarkable bacteriostatic activity against a broad spectrum of micro-organisms, surpassing the results obtained by other traditional antibiotics (clotrimazole, penicillin).


– Seeds of grapefruit: grapefruit seed extract is effective against 800 types of bacteria and 100 varieties of fungi. It does not damage the intestinal flora, stimulates and strengthens the immune system, has no side effects, except in sensitive individuals who may have a slight intestinal irritation. It helps to combat free radicals, harmful to the cell integrity. Free radicals are activated by pollution, smoke, radiation, physical and mental stress. The grapefruit seeds contain many substances that are active against free radicals such as vitamins A, C, E, selenium and zinc. The essential oil of grapefruit seed extract contains bioflavonoids and glucosides, and the antibacterial effect is the result of their matched action.

– Onion: belongs to the family of Liliaceae. Onion is available in several species by color, shape and size of the bulb or the harvest season. It has antibiotic and antibacterial properties that depend on the allyl disulfides which form allicin and cicloalliina. Besides being a natural antibiotic, it conteins vitamins, minerals, trace elements, vitamins A, B1, B2, C, E, niacin, calcium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, iron.

– Artemisia: the essential oil of wormwood has been shown to have antibacterial and antifungal action, and also even insect repellent action. The essential oil (0.03 – 0.3%) contains terpenes and terpene derivatives, for example, cineol, camphor, linalool, thujone, 4-terpineol, borneol, a-cardinol and more mono-and sesquiterpenes. The quantitative and qualitative composition varies greatly with soil, climate, fertilization and harvesting. Also from Artemisia are extracted artemisinin and its derivatives. The artemisinins have qualities that make them particularly effective in reducing fevers and other symptoms related to malaria: they are extremely powerful, fast acting (the fever is eliminated quickly and people recover quickly), they are very well tolerated and complementary to other classes of drugs.

– Oregano: Its bacteriostatic properties have been extensively studied [Elgayyar et al., 2001; Mejlhom et al., 2002; Santoyo et al., 2006]. The active ingredient in the extract of oregano, called carvacrol, has a powerful antibacterial action. It was shown [Ulteo et al., 1999] that this highly lipophilic molecule exerts its bactericidal action by making structural changes in biological membranes.

– Sage: Sage is an excellent antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, it also has antiseptic properties, aromatic, stimulant, antispasmodic and balsamic. Rich in enzymes and vitamins (B1 and C), this plant has a long list of active substances: flavonoids, tannins, saponosidi, caffeic acid, rosmarinic acid and glycerine, Salvini, etc…. In addition, diterpene compounds purified from several species of Salvia have also shown antitumor activity.


Applications to molecules with a high antioxidant interest: lycopene and Astaxanthin

Other molecules have required further development of the technology: among these, a particularly interesting ones, due to its widespread diffusion, has been indicated as lycopene and astaxanthin. The use of lycopene is in various areas: such as in the treatment of tumors and in the prevention of breast and prostate cancer, in cosmetics such as tanning kits. The natural molecule has notable advantages compared to the synthetic molecule: it is that of being more active due to its particular prevailing chemical form (the CIS-form prevails over the TRANS-form which presents critical issues in bioavailability).

Its extraction has prompted the development of various supercritical extraction methods. Among these, the one in co-extraction with other botanical matters gave the best qualitative and quantitative results (complete extraction with synergistic activity with another botanical matter). The market relating to this molecule is growing rapidly and further developments on the natural origin product are expected.

Supercritical CO2 Extraction:Case 4- Applications to organic farming

In this area, in continuous growth, supercritical CO2 extraction is achieving great success:

  • Extracts from pyrethrum: the presence of pyrethrins in pyrethrum oil gives it the pesticides properties. These are highly light sensitive and higly heat-sensitive active ingredients. Only the supercritical phase extraction do not destroy the properties that are present in the plant for its complete lack of oxygen during extraction, low temperature and the absence of light during process.
  • Extracts from Azadiracta Indica (Neem): in this case the pesticides (azadirachtin) contained in the oil of neem show it’s activity only in supercritical extracts. (very heat-sensitive compound).

Summary of the latest developments:

Olive: Olive oil as it is with polyphenol content up to 25 times that of a good extra virgin olive oil on the market. High quality oils for special food but better for pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.

Olivo: Wax obtained during the extraction of oil above. Cosmetic use.

Olive: Extract from pruning residues (leaves) rich in polyphenols. Antioxidant, anti-infective. Usage: as supplement as well as pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.

Olive: pomace residues from the production of oil, recovering oil and healthful substances that are still trapped in the residue. Usage: food as well as pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.

Wine: the form of dealcoholized drink, (free alcohol fraction, alcoholic strength of about 1 degree), but still full of healthy substances and aromas contained in the base wine, quite similar to its original aroma and flavour. Food use.


Wine: the form of waste from its production line as the seeds of red grapes. Pure grape seed oil. Usage: food as well as pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.

Wine waste: from the supply chain such as the seeds and skins of red grapes. Extract rich in resveratrol and roanthocyanidolic oligomers. Antioxidant, antiatherosclerotic, phleboprotector. Usage: food but also pharmaceutical and cosmetic.

Echinacea: echinacoside and polysaccharides rich extract. Immunostimulant. Pharmaceutical use but food also.

Calendula oil: pure or extracts rich in terpenes and saponosides. Usage: mainly cosmetic.

Vanilla: pure aroma. Aroma. Usage: mainly food or aroma industry

Feverfew: parthenolide titrated extract. Anticefalalgico. Pharmaceutical use.

Serenoa Repens: oily pure extract. Treatment of prostatic hypertrophy, male treatment of alopecia. Pharmaceutical use.

Soy: isoflavone extract obtained from flour. Treatment of menopause syndrome, antioxidant, antiatherosclerotic, antiosteoporotic. Use: food but also pharmaceutical and cosmetic.

Soy: Soy flour from legumes rich in vegetable protein and low in fat and containing soy isoflavones. Usage: mainly food.

Propolis: dry or liquid extract titrated in total flavonoids expressed as galangin. Anti-infective. Usage: food as well as pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.

Propolis: Wax obtained during the extraction process. Cosmetic use.

Curcuma: turmeric rhizome extracts oily rich in curcuminoids. Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant. Usage: food as well as pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.

Tomato: as waste in production chain in the form of dried skins. Oily extract rich in lycopene. You can also extract the pure lycopene or obtaining of a tomato extract containing all the healthy substances that act in it. Usage: food as well as pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.

Basil: oily extract, eugenol titrated. Powerful anti-infective and antifermentative. Usage: food as well as pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.

Plant essences: (Lavender, Thyme, Eugenia, Lemon, Orange, etc.) The oily extract is rich in terpenes. Anti-infectives and anti-fermentants or perfume. Use: food as well as pharmaceutical and cosmetic-perfume.

Pyrethrum: extract, pyrethrins titrated. Natural insecticide. Agronomic or domestic use.

Neem: Extract. Natural insecticide. Agronomic use.

Almonds: as waste from its supply chain as much as its cuticle. Oily extract titrated in total polyphenols and beta sitosterol. Antioxidant, antiatherosclerotic. Usage: food but also pharmaceutical and cosmetic.

Almond flour: full rich in unsaturated fatty acids, beta sitosterol and polyphenols. Production of pure almond oil and defatted flour particularly suitable for fat-free baked goods. Usage: mainly food.

Hazelnuts: as waste its supply chain as the cuticle of the same. Oily extract titrated in total polyphenols and beta sitosterol. Antioxidant, antiatherosclerotic. Usage: food as well as pharmaceutical and cosmetic products, also suitable as a natural preservative to replace those chemicals, now banned.

Hazelnut flour total: rich in unsaturated fatty acids, beta sitosterol and polyphenols. Pure hazelnut oil production and oil free meal suited for fat-free baked goods. Usage: mainly food.

Almonds and Hazelnuts: pure waxes obtained during the extraction of almonds and hazelnuts. Usage: mostly cosmetic.


Milk thistle: rich extract silymarin. Hepatoprotector. Usage: food as well as pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.

Lavender oil: pure essential oil. Anxiolytic, sedative, perfume aroma. Pharmaceutical and cosmetic use.

Wheat germ oil: Used for food as well as pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.

Wheat germ: high purity defatted flour. Low caloric and low-fat flour. Food use.

Various defatted flour: high purity. Fat free flour. Food use.

Palm oil: absolutely pure oil can also be used for the extraction of vitamin E which is the richest. Lipophilic fractions from palm oil used for cosmetics. Usage: food as well as pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.

Hops: as waste of its production chain. Oily extract titrated in phytoestrogens. Treatment of autonomic disorders of menopause. Usage: food as well as pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.

Ginger: dried extract titrated in gingerols. Anti-nausea and antiemetic, gastroprotective. Pharmaceutical use.

Various fruits and vegetables: as waste of their production process (peels, seeds, fruit size and quality is not optimal). They are rich in polyphenols and vitamins, so they are an excellent source for the extraction of natural vitamins. Usage: mostly food but also pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.


The growth potential inherent in this project is very interesting, even considering a future worldwide economic recovery. The entrepreneurship, in particular, allows to obtain products with high added value, containing natural extracts for different application areas:

  • Products for the food industry.
  • Plant-based drugs.
  • Nutritional Supplements.
  • Herbal products.


The advantages in using supercritical CO2 can be summarized in the following points:

  • increasingly marked interest to natural products in different sectors.
  • market of natural products, in the areas of application of this initiative (drugs of plant origin, cosmetics, food supplements, wellness products in the broad sense, products for the food industry), experiencing strong growth.
  • industrial unit featuring products with high added value.
  • absence of competitors with this level of experience in this innovative technology.
  • typicality and innovation of industrial products compared to similar products in the world market.
  • high potential of the specific production lines and management methodologies of the industrial units (innovative technologies, high level of quality and standardization of the products, continuous support from the Scientific and Technological Research Centre, control of raw materials, Quality System, Environmental Certification) .
  • high impact on employment in all sectors of the industry.
  • indirect impact on employment in the agricultural sector.
  • facilitate the promotion of products through the tourism and catering sectors.
  • reduction of environmental pollution deriving from the traditional processing of agricultural products and recovery of substances with high health characteristics from waste, resulting in additional income for the farmer.

The results of the research and development activity will allow the obtaining of high quality products for the food industry and also qualified and standardized products for both the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and phytosanitary sectors.

The evaluation of the results on the properties of individual isolated compounds rather than total extracts, will identify new structure/activities correlations and any pharmacological multiplied effects when compared to  individual compounds.

The synergistic effect will be obtained in such a highly innovative pre-formulation, we called it “co-extraction”. With this method you can create a highly innovative product (to be patented on request) which combines the potential health benefits of all the substances taken from co-extraction and multiply the effect of the singular compound thanks to the synergy achieved.

As you can see, the supercritical CO2 extraction process is an interesting choice in various sectors, as it not only provides safety and environmental sustainability but also delivers high-quality products. If you are a business owner looking to harness the full potential of the supercritical CO2 extraction process, contact us for consultation. Fill out the form below, and we will be happy to assist you in implementing the supercritical CO2 extraction process in your business sector.
